NEW ! Version 2 of the Zanorg radio, with more options.
Installation : - Unzip file " " on your hard drive. - On your web server, create a folder called "radio" (or the name you want), and in this folder, create a subfolder called "mp3". - In this "radio/mp3" folder on the ftp, upload your mp3 files. (Optional part) - While uploading, on your hard drive, edit the file "radioconfig.php" with a editing software like windows notepad. |
Options available : boutonOFF : color of buttons Once you're done , copy the content of the box on the right, and paste it in the file "radioconfig.php", by replacing the existing values .
- If you want, you can put as many background as you want. For this, always in the file "radioconfig.php", modify the value: $fonds = array("fondradio1.jpg"); by $fonds = array("fondradio1.jpg","picture.jpg","animation.swf","myself.jpg"); You can put as many background as you want , with the name of your choice. (end of optional part)
- Once finished, upload the files "index.htm", "radiozanorg.swf", "radioconfig.php" and "fondradio1.jpg" (and also the others backgrounds if you have) in your folder "radio" (or the name you gave). - Your radio is ready ! You can listen to it by going to
_____________________ Tip : - To open this radio in popup, in the source code of your blog / website, juste before the </HEAD> tag, copy and paste this : <SCRIPT language=javascript> And, in the same source code , where you want to open the radio, just paste this : <a href="javascript:popup('','','width=280,
© Zanorg 2006 - kek
Using illegal downloaded mp3 is prohibited